The historic French Quarter in downtown Dothan, Alabama, was the setting for a bridesmaid’s luncheon I helped host several weeks ago to honor a special family friend, Jennifer Hewitt.  This charming venue, resplendent of old-world charm, was the perfect setting to celebrate with bridesmaids, relatives, and close family friends. Another fabulous job by Kelsey Barnard […]

A Mississippi/Alabama Romance

I love everything about weddings – from festive prenuptial parties to the actual celebration of the “Big Day” itself.  Weddings are a joyous time to reunite family members and  relatives as well as cherished friends from near and afar.  A recent engagement celebration to honor Jennifer and Ross Stone was held at the bride’s home […]


Although the last few weeks have been a time of mourning  as I reflect back on my Daddy’s almost 88 years, it has also been a time of thankfulness and reflecting on God’s provision.  One of Daddy’s doctors often joked that he wondered “which of his lives” my Daddy was on.  I can think of […]